티스토리 뷰


큰일 할 남자의 영어 듣기 [1]A Student Credit Card

    • Man: Hi, Sis. I just came over to drop off the DVDs you wanted, and . . . Hey, wow!? Where did you get all of this stuff[각주:1]?

    • Woman: I bought it. So, what do you think of my new entertainment center? And the widescreen TV . . .

    • Man: Bought it?

    • Woman: . . . and my new DVD player. Here, let me show you my stereo. You can really rock the house with this one.

    • Man: But where did you get the dough[각주:2] to buy all this? You didn't borrow money from mom and dad again, did you?

    • Woman: Of course not. I got it with this!

    • Man: This? Let me see that . . . Have you been using Dad's credit card again?

    • Woman: No, silly. It's mine. It's student credit card.

    • Man: A student credit card? How in the world[각주:3] did you get one of these?

    • Woman: I got an application in the mail.

    • Man: Well, why did you get one in the first place?

    • Woman: Listen. Times are changing, and having a credit card helps you build a credit rating[각주:4], control spending, and even buy things that you can't pay with cash . . . like the plane ticket I got recently.

    • Man: What plane ticket?

    • Woman: Oh yeah, my roommate and I are going to Hawaii over the school break, and course, I needed some new clothes for that so . . .

    • Man: I don't want to hear it. How does having a student credit card control spending? It sounds you've spent yourself in a hole[각주:5]. Anyway, student credit cards just lead to impulse[각주:6] spending . . . as I can see here. And the interest rates of student credit cards are usually sky-high[각주:7], and if you miss a payment, the rates, well, just jump!

    • Woman: Ah. The credit card has a credit limit . . .

    • Man: . . . of $20,000?

    • Woman: No, no quite that high. Anyway, . . .

    • Man: I've heard enough.

    • Woman: Did I tell you we now get digital cable with over 100 channels? Oh, and here's your birthday present. A new MP3 player . . .

    • Man: Yeah. Oh, don't tell me. Charged on the credit card. Listen. Hey, I don't think having a student credit card is a bad idea, but this is ridiculous. And how in the world are you going to pay off your credit card bill?

    • Woman: Um, with my birthday money? It's coming up in a week.

    • Man: Hey, let's sit down and talk about how you're going to pay things back, and maybe we can come up with a budget that will help you get out of this mess. That's the least I can do.

  1. Stuff (noun) : miscellaneous items [여러 가지 종류의 것들] [본문으로]
  2. dough (noun) : informal for money [여윳돈] [본문으로]
  3. in the world : use to emphasize something you say [무언가를 강조하여 말할 때 사용] [본문으로]
  4. rating (noun) : a measure to show how good something is [등급] [본문으로]
  5. spend yourself in a hole (idiom) : spend too much that leads to heavy debt [돈을 너무 많이 써서 큰 빚을 지다] [본문으로]
  6. impulse (noun) : a sudden desire [충동] [본문으로]
  7. sky-high (adjective) : very expensive [아주 높은] [본문으로]
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