티스토리 뷰


큰일 할 남자의 영어 듣기 [4] - A Story About UFO

큰일 할 남자의 영어 듣기 [4] - A Story About UFO

  • Police Officer : Hello. 24th Precinct[각주:1]. Officer Jones speaking.
  • Man : Help. Yeah, uh, it was wild, I mean really bizarre[각주:2].
  • Police Officer : Calm down sir! Now, what do you want to report?
  • Man : Well, I'd like to report a UFO sighting.
  • Police Officer : A what?
  • Man : What do you mean "What?" An unidentified[각주:3] flying object!
  • Police Officer : Wait, tell me exactly what you saw.
  • Man : Well, I was driving home from a party about three hours ago, so it was about 2:00 AM, when I saw this bright light overhead.
  • Police Officer : Okay. And then what happened?
  • Man : Oh, man. Well, it was out of this world[각주:4]. I stopped to watch the light when it disappeared behind a hill about a kilometer ahead of me.
  • Police Officer : Alright. Then what?
  • Man : Well, I got back in my car and I started driving toward where the UFO landed.
  • Police Officer : Now how do you know it was a UFO? Perhaps[각주:5] you only saw the lights of an airplane
  • Man : No.
  • Police Officer : Or the headlights of an approaching car.
  • Man : No.
  • Police Officer : Things like that happen, you know.
  • Man : Well if it was that, how do you explain "the BEAST"?
  • Police Officer : What do you mean, "the BEAST"?
  • Man : Okay. I kept driving for about five minutes when all of a sudden, this giant, hairy creature jumped out in front of my car.
  • Police Officer : Oh, yeah. Then what?
  • Man : Well, then, the beast picked up the front of my car and said, "Get out of the car. I'm taking you to my master!" Something like that.
  • Police Officer : Wow? A hairy alien who can speak English! Come on!
  • Man : I'm not making this up, if that's what you're suggesting. Then, when I didn't get out of the car, the beast opened the car door, carried me on his shoulders to this round-shaped flying saucer, and well, that's when I woke up along side the road. The beast must have knocked me out[각주:6] and left me there.
  • Police Officer : Well, that's the best story I've heard all night, sir. Now, have you been taking any medication, drugs, or alcohol in the last 24 hours? you mentioned you went to a party.
  • Man : What? Well, I did have a few beers, but I'm telling the truth.
  • Police Officer : Okay, okay. We have a great therapist that deals with THESE kinds of cases.
  • Man : I'm not crazy.
  • Police Officer : Well, we'll look into your story. Thank you.

  1. Precinct - the office of a police department in a particular area [본문으로]
  2. bizarre - strange or unusual [본문으로]
  3. unidentified - unknown or impossible to determine the origin [본문으로]
  4. out of this world - unbelievable, incredible [본문으로]
  5. perhaps - when you don't know that something is definitely true, or something that may possibly happen [본문으로]
  6. knock somebody out - to make somebody fall asleep or become unconscious [본문으로]
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