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큰일 할 남자의 영어 듣기 [6] - Back to School Supplies

  • GirlDad, I need a few supplies[각주:1] for school, and I was wondering if...
  • Dad : Yeah. There are a couple of pencils and eraser in the kitchen drawer, I think.
  • Girl : Dad, I'm in eight grad now, I need REAL supplies for my demanding[각주:2] classes.
  • Dad : Oh, so you need ruler too?
  • Girl : Dad, I need some high-tech stuff like a calculator, a Palm Pilot, and a laptop computer.
  • Dad : Uh. I didn't have any of that when I was in a middle school, and I did just fine.
  • Girl : Yeah, and they weren't any cars either, WERE there. And things are just more progressive[각주:3] now.
  • Dad : Well, we can rule out the hand pilot.
  • Girl : Palm Pilot, Dad.
  • Dad : Whatever, and the computer unless mom lets you sell the car. And as for adding machine.
  • Girl : Calculator.
  • Dad : Yeah, I think mine from college is kicking around here somewhere.
  • Girl : Dad, I need a calculator for geometry, and I have heard you can download free software from the Internet.
  • Dad : Great. My daughter will be playing video games in geometry class.
  • Girl : Dad.
  • Dad : Okay. How much is this going to cost me?
  • Girl : Well, I saw it at the store for only $99, WITH a $10 mail-in rebate[각주:4], or you could buy it online.
  • Dad : Oh. Do they throw in a few aspirin so your father can recover from sticker shock[각주:5]?
  • Girl : Dad. Please. Everyone has one.
  • Dad : I've heard that before.
  • Girl : And you always say you want me to excel[각주:6] in school, and I'll chip in[각주:7] $10 of my own, and I'll even clean up my room.
  • Dad : Hmm, 100 bucks. Well, you'll be supporting me in my old age, so, I guess. When do you need it?
  • Girl : Now, right now.
  • Dad : Now? Right now?
  • Girl : Mom's already waiting in the car for us. She said she would buy me an ice cream if I could talk you into to buying it for me today.
  • Dad : Oh no, I can't believe this.

  1. supply - which is available for them to use [본문으로]
  2. demanding - requiring great effort or work [본문으로]
  3. progressive - modern ideas about how things should be done, rather than traditional ones [본문으로]
  4. mail-in rebate - refund or return of money sent to the purchase after buying goods [본문으로]
  5. sticker shock - great surprise at the sales price of an item [본문으로]
  6. excel - do well, surpass [본문으로]
  7. chip in - add or contribute [본문으로]
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