티스토리 뷰


큰일 할 남자의 영어 듣기 [10] - What's the Breakfast?

큰일 할 남자의 영어 듣기 [10] - What's the Breakfast?

  • Daughter : Dad, Dad. What's for breakfast? Dad?

  • Dad : What?
  • Daughter : What's for breakfast?

  • Dad : Uh, there's a banana on the kitchen counter. Enjoy.
  • Daughter : Dad, that banana's all bruised, and it looks like the cat took a bite out of it last night. Dad. Wake up.

  • Dad : Okay. Uh, there's some cereal in the cupboard[각주:1]. Help yourself.
  • Daughter : But there's no milk.

  • Dad : Well, just mix[각주:2] up some powered milk.
  • Daughter : Ah, no way. That stuff is nasty [각주:3]and warm. Come on, Dad.

  • Dad : Uh, okay. I guess I could make some pancakes.
  • Daughter : Uh, no. The last time you made pancakes, they were as hard as a rock. Even the dog wouldn't touch them.

  • Dad : That bad? Alright. Wait! Why in the world are we having this conversation anyway? You're 19 years old. Make your own breakfast. I'm going back to bed.
  • Daughter : Because you love me. Plus you said that you'd make something for me if I cleaned the dishes last night.

  • Dad : Okay. How about some eggs and bacon? I can't go wrong there.
  • Daughter : Okay, but don't put any of that funny stuff in it. You know, those weird mushrooms like you did last time.

  • Dad : Okay, okay. So, you want me to keep things simple, right?
  • Daughter : Exactly. But, please hurry. My friend is picking me up in a few minutes.

  • Dad : On a Saturday morning?
  • Daughter : Yeah. He's taking me fishing.

  • Dad : Fishing? Since when did you start liking fishing?
  • Daughter : Since Dirk gave me this ring! What do you think?

  • Dad : What? Wait. I'm not going to ask. Let me get breakfast on the table. Then, we'll have a long chat.
  • Daughter : Oh, he's here. I'll just take the $20 bill out of your wallet. I can buy breakfast on the way. Bye.

  • Dad : Oh, no!

  1. cupboard - a cabinet or storage for keeping food or other items in the kitchen [본문으로]
  2. mix (up) - prepare a food or drink by combining two or more ingredients [본문으로]
  3. nasty - terrible or disgusting [본문으로]
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