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큰일 할 남자의 영어 듣기 [12] - Bus Trip Woman : Excuse me. Is this seat taken?Man : It is now. Take a seat. Woman : Thanks. I had been waiting for over two hours for the bus to come.Man : Yeah. The bus broken down about 50 miles back. Actually, the bus driver lost control of the bus when he split hot chocolate on himself, and then as he tried to regain control of the bus, he hit a rock and bus blew a tir..
큰일 할 남자의 영어 독해 [12] - Golden Gate Birthday San Francisco had a huge party. Lots of people crowded together on the Golden Gate Bridge. They wanted to be a part of the history of the bridge. The crowd broke all the records. There were many more people than anyone expected. The party was for the 50th anniversary of the bridge opening. The Golden Gate Bridge was famous when it was built. Today, it i..
큰일 할 남자의 영어 듣기 [11] - Budget Hotel Rooms Man : Hi. I have a reservation for tonight, and I just want to check in.Hotel Clerk : Sure. What's your name?Man : Uh, Mike Adams.Hotel Clerk : Okay. Let me check here. Um. Here's your key to open your door. You're in room 36-. Just walk down this hall, and you'll see the elevators on your right.Man : Oh, okay. And, uh, where's the exercise room? I'd like..
큰일 할 남자의 영어 독해 [11] - Air Rage People that work for airlines say that air rage is a growing problem. Air rage is when a passenger on a plane gets mad and starts acting badly. This is a problem that needs to be fixed for the safety of everyone on the plane. Sometimes angry passengers yell at the flight attendants. Flight attendants have had food thrown at them. Some of them have even been grabbed..
큰일 할 남자의 영어 듣기 [10] - What's the Breakfast? Daughter : Dad, Dad. What's for breakfast? Dad?Dad : What?Daughter : What's for breakfast?Dad : Uh, there's a banana on the kitchen counter. Enjoy.Daughter : Dad, that banana's all bruised, and it looks like the cat took a bite out of it last night. Dad. Wake up.Dad : Okay. Uh, there's some cereal in the cupboard. Help yourself.Daughter : But there's n..
큰일 할 남자의 영어 독해 [10] - Teen Punished by Holding Sign One mother has sent a powerful message to her son. She did it by making him feel embarrassed. Instead of punishing her son for taking drugs, she did something different. She made him stand on a corner holding a sigh. It was a very unusual and effective punishment. Some people think she did the right thing. Others disagree. One night the teenage..
큰일 할 남자의 영어 듣기 [9] - Pizza Delivery Employee : Hello. Can I take your order?Customer : Yes. I'd like a large pepperoni pizza with mushrooms and green peppers.Employee : Would you like anything else?Customer : Well, wait. Uh, can I make that a half-and-half pizza?Employee : Sure. What would you like on each half?Customer : Uh, what toppings do you have?Employee : Well, we have Italian sausage, ha..
큰일 할 남자의 영어 독해 [9] - Teen Drinking Some kids start to drink alcohol at a young age. They think it is a part of becoming an adult. They also think drinking is not that bad because so many people do it. They feel it is not as bad as taking drugs. It is easy for kids to get liquor by using fake identification. Parents may start to notice a change in their child's behavior if the child starts drinki..
큰일 할 남자의 영어 듣기 [8] - Taxi Ride Passenger : Hey taxi! Ah great. Thanks for pulling over. Driver : Where to?Passenger : Well, I'm going to the National Museum of Art, and... Driver : Sure. Hop in. No problem. Hang on.Passenger : Excuse me. how long dose it take to get there? Driver : Well, that all depends on the traffic, but it shouldn't take more than 20 minutes for the average driver. And I'm n..
큰일 할 남자의 영어 독해 [8] - The Internet: A Danger for Teens? Cell phones and the Internet are great ways to stay in touch with people. There are other things that teenagers have been doing with this kind of technology too. Some things teenagers have been doing while on the Internet and cell phones are bad. Everyone used to be worried about sexual predators when their teens used the Internet. Today the..
큰일 할 남자의 영어 듣기 [7] - Baking Cookies Chef Randall : Well, hello everyone, and welcome to today's show. And joining me today is my daughter, Ashley, who has had to endure my cooking experiments over the years. Are we ready, Ashley?Kids : Ready to eat.Chef Randall : No, let's wait for a few minutes. We'll get to that. But as you know, my faithful listeners, I starting cooking and baking almost 30 y..
큰일 할 남자의 영어 독해 [7] - Domestic Violence Laura was married for 6 months. Her husband was using drugs. She didn't want her son or her unborn baby to live that way, but she was afraid to ask her husband to leave. She left him a note instead. After reading the note, Laura's husband waited for her to come home and then beat her and her son. He smashed dishes, pictures and toys and left the house in a ..
큰일 할 남자의 영어 듣기 [6] - Back to School Supplies Girl : Dad, I need a few supplies for school, and I was wondering if...Dad : Yeah. There are a couple of pencils and eraser in the kitchen drawer, I think. Girl : Dad, I'm in eight grad now, I need REAL supplies for my demanding classes.Dad : Oh, so you need ruler too? Girl : Dad, I need some high-tech stuff like a calculator, a Palm Pilot, and a lapt..
큰일 할 남자의 영어 독해 [6] - Couple Adopts Children A family went from zero to six children in one day. Sarah and Jim Cole adopted six brothers and sisters from the same family. On adoption day, They went on TV and then to the courthouse to sign papers. Four years ago, government workers took all six children away from their real parents. They said the parents were not taking care of them. They split th..